Holy Guacamole! Some Unexpected Ways To Use Salsa

If you look at the actual ingredients in salsa, there are a lot of ways to use and enjoy it that you may not have considered. Since most salsa is made of tomatoes, onions, peppers, a little salt, and acid, like citrus or vinegar, there are feasibly many ways to serve salsa in delicious, albeit unexpected, ways.  

So, stock up and skip the chips! Try these tasty tips for serving salsa: 

Cooked Eggs

The first way to enjoy salsa is over eggs. It changes the entire mood of a breakfast sandwich! Enjoy scrambled eggs with salsa at home; simply cook your eggs, remove them from the heat, and add a bit of salsa before serving. You can also use a couple of tablespoons of salsa in your liquid when basting eggs—delicious!

Soup Base

Add a jar of salsa to your broths, soups, and bouillon for a fresh and sometimes spicy flavor. It really adds depth of flavor to slow-cooked foods, like stews. Adjust the liquid in your recipe when adding salsa accordingly.  

Pasta Salad

Skip the heavy mayo-based dressing in your homemade pasta salads. Instead, pour salsa over chilled noodles, quinoa, or couscous for a quick and flavorful pasta salad.  

Sandwich Topping

What do you like to top your favorite sandwich with? Try salsa as a condiment on a cold-cut or veggie sandwich, as you would use relish or spreads. Salsa is also great on a hot dog; it gives it a spicy kick that pairs well with a sprinkling of cheese.  

Grilled Meat

Another way to use salsa in your cooking is to put a dollop over grilled, cooked, and rested beef or chicken. The juice from the salsa melds with the drippings from the meat, creating a delicious Unami that is sure to be a new favorite.  

Summer Soup

Who would think of serving salsa as soup? If you think about it, cold summer soups often use a tomato base- so, why not puree salsa, add a few spices, and chill before serving. Top with sour cream, some trimmed chives, and chopped cilantro. This is a fast and easy meal suggestion on a busy summer night!  

Cool Cocktail

Another way to make the most of salsa is in a cocktail; add salsa to a bloody Mary instead of tomato juice. If the salsa is thick, add a bit of water to thin it, if you like. Typically, the ice and vodka mix with the salsa and create the right consistency.  

Got plenty of salsa on hand? Stock up and try these serving suggestions for your favorite salsa! 

For more information, contact a local company to learn about salsa fundraising

441 Words

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Helping You Enjoy Food Every day, you need to eat in order to get the nutrition you need to survive. However, eating shouldn't just be about surviving. It should be about thriving and having fun and enjoying what you are putting into your mouth. At food blog day, we understand that eating food is more than a necessity, it should also be an experience. We are here to educate you on different specialty foods and food trends so that you can ensure that when you sit down to cook or eat a meal, you are sitting down to something that will provide you with nutrition and be enjoyable at the same time.



